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(Mostly) BDSM Acronyms
Based on the work of Frites, Arlene Rinaldi, Big Al, and others
These acronyms were compiled from
- BDSM Acronyms by Frites
- "Netter's Abbreviation/Acronym Glossary" compiled by Harry Yeatts from The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette by Arlene Rinaldi
- Welcome to Alt.Sex.Bondage! by Big Al
Acronym | Definition |
!= | Not equal to (Frites) |
<g> | grin (or <G> big grin, vars. incl <VEG> Very Evil Grin) (Frites) |
:-) | A "smiley" face (sideways); there are lots of variations (Frites) |
AAMOF | As a Matter of Fact (Frites) |
ABP* | alt.binaries.pictures.* (Frites) |
ABPE* | Alt.Binaries.Pictures.Erotica.* (.bondage, .leather, etc.) (Frites) |
ADD | Attention Defecit Disorder (Frites) |
AFAIK/AFIK | As Far as I Know (Frites) |
AKA | Also Known As (Frites) |
APB | alt.personals.bondage (Frites) |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible (Frites) |
ASB | usually: alt.sex.bondage, sometimes: alt.sex.bestiality (Frites) |
ASB | 1) Shorthand for alt.sex.bondage. 2) a keyphrase that indicates you're writing an actual bondage article, instead of just some spam. (Big Al) |
ASF* | alt.sex.fetish.* (Frites) |
ASFD | alt.sex.femdom/ alt.sex.fetish.diapers (Frites) |
ASS | alt.sex.spanking/stories/services (context!) (Frites) |
AUP | Acceptable Use Policy (Frites) |
B&D | Bondage and Discipline (Frites) |
BBS | Bulletin Board System (Frites) |
BDSM | A catchall phrase made up of B&D (Bondage and Discipline) D&S (Dominance and Submission) and S&M (Sadism and Masochism). It describes alternate sexuality in general, except bestiality and orientation variations. Oftentimes there is some blurring of the lines among the three types, fetish play, etc., so BDSM makes a useful term. (Big Al) |
BDSMLMNOP | BDSM and whatever else we might do (Frites) |
BFN | bye for now (Harry Yeatts) |
BTDT | Been There, Done That (Frites) |
BTSOOM | beats the [stuffing] out of me (Harry Yeatts) |
BTW | By The Way |
CB or C+B | Cock & Ball (Frites) |
CBT | Cock & Ball Torture (Frites) |
CD | Cross Dresser (Frites) |
CHUDWAH | (From CHDW) a Clueless Het-Dom Wannabe. Chudwahs don't get a whole lot of respect. They often send wannafucks *. (As I recall, The Horseman also came up with this term.) (Big Al) |
CHUSWAH | Clueless Heterosexual Sub WAnnabe (Frites) |
CIS | "Complete Irrevocable Submission." |
CNC | Consensual Non-Consent (Frites) |
CP | Corporal Punishment (Frites) |
CTS | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Frites) |
CUA | commonly used acronym(s) OR common user access (Harry Yeatts) |
D&S or D/s | Domination & Submission (Frites) |
DKF | Dreaded Koosh Flogger (Frites) |
DOYC # | Deity Of Your Choice (Frites) |
F2F | Face to Face (Frites) |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Question(s) |
FTR | For The Record (Frites) |
FU | [fouled] up (Harry Yeatts) |
FUBAR | [fouled] up beyond all recognition (Harry Yeatts) |
FUD | (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation (Harry Yeatts) |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FYI | For Your Information |
GR&D | grinning, running, & ducking (Harry Yeatts) |
GS | Golden Shower (Frites) |
HAND | Have A Nice Day (Frites) |
HNG | Horny Net Geek. Often sends wannafucks *. (Big Al) |
HTH | Hope This Helps |
HWSNBN | He Who Should Not Be Named (Frites) |
IAE | in any event (Harry Yeatts) |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer (also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA) (Harry Yeatts) |
IAP | Internet Access Provider (normally ISP) (Frites) |
IIRC | If I Recall Correctly (Frites) |
IM | Instant Message (AOL version of /msg) (Frites) |
IMAO | In My Arrogant Opinion (Frites) |
IMCO | in my considered opinion (Harry Yeatts) |
IME | In My Experience (Frites) |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMHOWRT | In My Humble (Or Honest) Opinion With Respect To |
IMNSHO | In My Not So Humble Opinion |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IMX | In My eXperience (perferred form: IME) (Frites) |
IOW | In Other Words (Harry Yeatts) |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat (Frites) |
IRT | In Reply To, In Regards To (Frites) |
ISO | In Search Of (Frites) |
ISP | Internet Service Provider (Frites) |
ITMT | In The Mean Time (Frites) |
LLD | Leather Lifestyle Dork(s) (Frites) |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Luck |
LTR | Long Term Relationship (Frites) |
MHOTY | my hat's off to you (Harry Yeatts) |
MOTAS/OS/SS | Member of the Appropriate Sex/ Opposite Sex/ Same sex (Frites) |
MPD | Multiple Personality Disorder (Frites) |
mung | Mash Until No Good (Frites) |
NC | Non-Consensual (Frites) |
NFW | no [bleeping] way (Harry Yeatts) |
NG | News Group (Frites) |
NL | New Leather (Frites) |
NLA | National Leather Association (Frites) |
NP | No Problem (Frites) |
NRN | no reply necessary (Harry Yeatts) |
Ob(BDSM, DS, etc.) | It once was traditional throughout most of usenet that when you posted something off topic to a certain group you added an Ob(whatever the topic is) to the end of the post so your readers didn't think it was a complete waste of time. This isn't absolutely Obligatory anymore (incidentally, that's where the term comes from), but you still see it, and are encouraged to use it should you choose. (Big Al) |
ObBDSM | Obligatory BDSM (used to add topic to an off-topic post) (Frites) |
OGL | Old Guard Leather (Frites) |
OIC | oh, I see! (Harry Yeatts) |
OOTB | out of the box (brand new) (Harry Yeatts) |
OT | Off Topic (Frites) |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
OTTH | on the third hand (Harry Yeatts) |
OTW | One True Way (Frites) |
P&M | Posted & Mailed (Frites) |
PDA | Public Displays of Affection (Frites) |
PISS | Passive Ignorance Silence Strike (Frites) |
PITA | Pain In the ... |
PMFJI | pardon me for jumping in (Harry Yeatts) |
PTSS | Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (Frites) |
RL | Real Life (as opposed to net.life) (Frites) |
ROFL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing (Frites) |
ROTFL | roll(ing) on the floor laughing (also, ROF,L, ROFL) (Harry Yeatts) |
RSN | real soon now (which may be a long time coming) (Harry Yeatts) |
RT | Real-Time/Rise Time/Radiation Therapy/RighT (direction) (Frites) |
RTFM | Read the F'ing Manual (Frites) |
RTFM | read the [fine] manual (or message) (Harry Yeatts) |
SAM | Smart-Ass Masochist / Stand And Model (Frites) |
SITD | still in the dark (Harry Yeatts) |
SM or S&M | Sadism & Masochism; sadomasochism; Sexual Magick (Frites) |
SNAFU | situation normal, all [fouled] up (Harry Yeatts) |
SO | Significant Other (Frites) |
SQO | Some Quantity Of (Frites) |
SSB/SSBB | Soc.Subculture.Bondage-BDSM (I prefer just SSB, myself) (Frites) |
SSC | Safe, Sane, Consensual (Frites) |
SSS | Soc.Sexuality.Spanking (Frites) |
STD/STI | Sexually Transmitted Disease / .. Infection (Frites) |
TANSTAAFL | there ain't no such thing as a free lunch (Harry Yeatts) |
TES | The Eulenspiegel Society (Frites) |
TFTB | Topping From The Bottom (Frites) |
TG @ | TransGendered (Frites) |
TIA | Thanks In Advance |
TIC | tongue in cheek (Harry Yeatts) |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym |
TOS | Terms of Service (Frites) |
TPE | For Total (or True) Power Exchange. A form of D&S (or, depending on who you ask, the only form of D&S) where the submissive gives up all power to the dominant. Also a BBS in Washington, DC (only that's The Power Exchange). (Big Al) |
TPTB | The Powers That Be (Frites) |
TS @ | TransSexual (Frites) |
TTFN | ta ta for now (Harry Yeatts) |
TTYL | talk to you later (Harry Yeatts) |
TV | also stands for TransVestite (Frites) |
TYVM | thank you very much (Harry Yeatts) |
V/A | Verbal Abuse (Frites) |
VBG | Very Big Grin (Frites) |
Wannafuck | An unsolicited sexually graphic piece of email. Posters who self-identify as female often get these. Posters who self-identify as male get them too, but less often. This is sometimes depressing for the males. (Big Al) |
W4W | (WP4W, etc.; all the various products, such as...) (Harry Yeatts) |
Wiitwd | What It Is That We Do. Credit goes to Bill Borher (who by now will have changed his name several times) I believe for this one. (Big Al) |
Wiitwd(h) | What it is that we do (here) (Frites) |
WRT | With Respect To (Frites) |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get (Harry Yeatts) |
YKINMK | Your Kink Is Not My Kink (Frites) |
YKINOK | Your Kink Is Not Okay (Frites) |
YKIOK,IJNMK | Your Kink is OK, It's Just Not My Kink (Frites) |
YMMV | Your Mileage may vary. Or, Yaks Make More Volkswagons, depending on your mood. (Big Al) |
Further Reading on Netquette and Internet History
- Some Notes on Netiquette and 'Net Basics by Ambrosio
- About BDSM Usenet Newsgroups: In the mid-1990s, visiting newsgroups was a great way to learn about WIITWD. The resource on this page are mostly offered as historical documentation.
- Welcome to Alt.Sex.Bondage! By Big Al
- SD's Tips for Getting Along on ASB
- Some reasons for ASB's mores
- Some types of posts unwelcome on ASB
- Mostly BDSM Acronyms (After Big Al, Frites, and Harry Yeatts)
- The Idiocy of Chat Conventions by Rowan Ste. Julian
- About the POWERotics Foundation and Hans Meijer: The POWERotics Foundation was one of many Internet publisher with BDSM themed web sites. It no longer exists, but many of the articles by its chairman, Hans Meijer, are still available on-line and still relevant. Some are on this website.
- About this site: People to thank, fonts with which to best view the site, and a yet more links.