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Fundamentals for BDSM and Leather
In-Page Table of Contents
See this site's Miscellaneous section for "Interesting Individuals with Web Sites," "Humor," "Goth Links," "Literature" (including "Poetry By the Masters"), and "Miscellaneous External Links."
For even more links, see the Miscellaneous External Links page.
Introductory Articles
- Eleven Short Tips for BDSM Novices by Ambrosio
- BDSM Tip Sheet for Beginners by Lady Green and Jay Wiseman
- Why Would Anyone Participate in Sadomasochism? by Keith L. Kendrick
- The Pleasure of Pain by Marianne Apostolides from Psychology Today (Sep/Oct 99): "Find out why one in 10 of us is into S&M."
- BDSM Background Information, a series of articles from the POWERotics Foundation
- Books and Magazines
- Jay Wiseman's book review of The Gift of Fear
- Commandments: Ten Rules for Dominants / Ten Rules for Submissives (from the Society of Janus) written by Mistress Michelle Peters
- What To Expect At a Munch by Mistress Constance
- What To Expect At a Play Party by Mistress Constance
- What To Expect At a Bash by Mistress Constance
- A beginners' guide to munches by Stu. This article was written specifically for the British BDSM community. But while some of the particular information doesn't apply outside the UK, a lot of it is relevant to the scene in other countries -- the U.S. being one.
- my experience with play parties by Heidi, the impudent guttersnipe
- Bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism in SA February 5, 2012 (I'm quoted in this article in a college newspaper.)
Terms and Concepts
- Definitions by Mistress Constance
- Perverted Vocabulary: a Glossary of Terms Used in BDSM by Ambrosio
- Leather vs. BDSM by Philip the Foole
- "Safe Sane and Consensual" a Proposed Definition by Chris M. An attempt at a formal definition of our most famous rubric.
- Origin of RACK: RACK vs. SSC by Gary Switch
- Edgeplay by Sir Bamm!
- Mentorship by Mistress Constance
- A Rant on Mentorship by Ambrosio
D/s Roles
D/s stands for Dominance and submission. It's separate from play and bondage. While the latter two can complement a D/s relationship, they can just as easily be absent.
- Nine Degrees of Submission by Diane Vera
- Submissive's Creed Author Unknown
- What a slave needs by david stein
- You've Realized You're a Dominant Woman. What Now? by Rowan Ste. Julian
- An Open Letter to a Novice Domme by Ambrosio
- 14 Attributes of a Good Master by Lord Byron of Nashville, TN
- Switches: Are they misunderstood or do they miss the point of BDSM? by Ms. Siren
S&M Tips and Techniques
- Aftercare by Chris M. This is the first in depth article on the subject of aftercare.
- Introduction to Spanking (From an anonymous USENET posting)
- The Basics of Flogging by Keith L. Kendrick
- Grim's Flogging FAQ, Parts 1 & 2
- Mastering the Dynamics of Thud and Sting by Chris M.
- The Rap on Wrapping: A discussion of Impact Play by Chris M.
- "Whips Presentation and Demonstration" by Sir Bamm!
- Anatomy for Flogging: The Back by Ambrosio
- Scene Music
- The Ten Commandments of Steel Bondage by Harold Cox adapted by David Stein
- Caning Notes
- The Wicked, Wicked Art of TICKLE TORTURE by Chris M.
Finding and Making S&M Toys

- Online Shopping for BDSM Toys: A unique selection of inexpensive sources for quality toys including some less expensive toy sources most people don't think about.
- Creative Toy Sources!
- Clothespins!
- On Making Canes
- Relevant DVDs: Recommendations for DVDs with BDSM themes
- Scene Music
Find Groups and Events
These links have moved to theire own landing page in the Locales section.
Additional Links
- The SSBB (Soc.Subculture.Bondage-Bdsm) Frequently Asked Questions list.
- Bondage Geisha
- See also this site's Miscellaneous section for "Interesting Individuals with Web Sites," "Humor," "Goth Links," "Literature" (including "Poetry By the Masters"), and "Miscellaneous External Links."