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About BDSM Usenet Newsgroups
General Internet History
- A Short History of the Internet (PDF) by Bruce Sterling
- The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
- SJ Games vs. the Secret Service
BDSM Usenet History
In the mid-1990s, visiting newsgroups was a great way to learn about WIITWD. The following are mostly offered as historical documentation.
- SD's Tips for Getting Along on ASB
- Some reasons for ASB's mores
- Some types of posts unwelcome on ASB
- Mostly BDSM Acronyms (After Big Al, Frites, and Harry Yeatts)
- The SSBB (Soc.Subculture.Bondage-Bdsm) Frequently Asked Questions list.
- Richard Kadrey. alt.sex.bondage. WIRED. Jun 1, 1994.
BDSM Google Groups Today
This will be disappointing. These Google Groups have long been abandoned to advertisers, but they can still be useful for historical research.
- Alt.Sex.Bondage on Google Groups
- Soc.Subculture.Bondage-BDSM on Google Groups As of Feb. 28, 2023, the last post was on Dec. 19, 2022. It promotes a porn site.